Warhammer Fantasy Basic Rules: Bonepile Miniatures Edition

Basic game rules based upon Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition, with Bonepile Miniatures House Rules.

This is a rules summary meant for Warhammer Fantasy. Most of these rules are taken from the Games Workshop Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition rulebook. However, many house rules have been substituted or added. In cases of confusion or rule conflicts, please defer to the original 8th edition rulebook. Many of the house rules were inspired by the Warhammer Armies Project, and players may also defer to those works, if desired, to work out confusion or rule conflicts. This concise writing format is intended for those familiar with the game. Beginners should study the 8th edition rulebook in tandem with this guide. These house rules are intended for casual play, and this content is only intended to spread ideas among the Warhammer Fantasy community about different ways to play this awesome game. No profit is made from this guide.

This is part of a series of 5 articles with House Rules.

Click here for more Rule Supplements

NOTE: Bonepile Miniatures recommends using Magic Items and their rules, as well as the individual Army Books produced by Warhammer Armies Project.

Basic Rules

(House Rules are denoted in Red)


Measure closest points between models or unit bases.


Standard dice are D6. Rolling 2D6 or 3D6 means rolling 2 or 3 dice, respectively.

For D3 rolls: D6 result of 1 or 2 =1; and 3 or 4 =2; and 5 or 6=3;

For D2 rolls: D6 result of 1, 2 or 3 =1; and 4, 5 or 6 = 2;

Re-rolling includes all dice of a 2D6 or 3D6 combination. Re-rolling failed dice is only for failed dice you wish to re-roll.

Roll-offs are won by the highest dice results.


Small templates are 3″ in diameter.

Large templates are 5″ in diameter.

Flame templates are teardrop shaped and 8″ in length.

Models completely, or partially under a template are hit. Note that the base is part of the model.


Place the template on the unit as directed. Roll scatter dice. A Hit! requires no scatter. If scattered, move the number of inches indicated. Random directions are shown by arrows.

Characteristic Tests

A score of 1 is always a fail, or double 1’s for a 2D6.

A score of 6 is always a pass, or double 6’s for a 2D6.

Use the best value option when a rider is on a mount or chariot for each category.

Leadership Tests

Same as other characteristics tests. Passes on the given value or lower.

Considered a Psychology Test.

Use the highest Leadership in a unit.

Unit Strength

The number of models times the basic unit strength of the models. See Army Detail Rules.

Line of Sight

An unblocked line from the models eyes to another model–any part of the body. Not banners, weapons, wings or tails.

Game Preparation

Choose an Army

3 Units Minimum

Must include 1 Character (Hero or Lord)

1 unit for every 500 points beyond characters. (Not a Maximum unit size)

Army Configuration

Core: At least 25% of army points

Special: Up to 50% of army points

Rare: Up to 25% of army points

Lords & Heroes: Up to 25% in either type, but no more than 35% combined


Points LevelSpecialsRare
Each +1000+1+1

Army Alignment

Forces of Order: Albion, Amazons, Bretonnia, Cathay, Cult of Ulric, Dwarfs, Empire, Estalia, Halflings, High Elves, Kingdoms of Ind, Kislev, Lizardmen, Nippon, Wood Elves

Forces of Destruction: Beastmen, Chaos Dwarfs, Daemons of Chaos, Dark Elves, Orcs & Goblins, Skaven, Vampires, Warriors of Chaos

Non-Aligned Forces: Araby, Dogs of War, Hobgoblins, Norse, Ogres, Pirates, Tomb Kings


Each army must bring its own Battle Standard and General.

Bound by Blood: From the same faction. Can join allied characters to units, use allied General’s Inspiring Presence, can use allied BSB’s Hold Your Ground rules, can cause Panic tests on each other, considered ‘friendly’ with spells and abilities.

Trusted Allies: From the same order. Follow Bound by Blood rules, except cannot join allied character to units, cannot use General’s Inspiring Presence, and cannot use BSB’s Hold Your Ground Rule.

Suspicious Allies: When allied with non-aligned forces. Works like Trusted Allies except: cannot count other army as ‘friendly’ for spells and other abilities. Magic: If alliance only contains Trusted or Suspicious Allies, Winds of Magic can be split between armies as players wish, but channel dice can only be used by the army that generated it.

Desperate Allies: Forces of Order and Destruction in alliance. Work like Suspicious Allies, except: must take Dangerous Terrain tests when Fleeing through allies, they are counted as ‘enemy’ units for spells and other abilities, Winds of Magic must be split evenly among armies, not allowed to dispel spells that target ‘enemy’ units. Same channeling rules as Suspicious Allies.

Fragile Alliance: Forces allied with Skaven, Dark Elves, and Hobgoblins, even among their own kind. Start game normally according to other alliance rules as they apply. Each player must roll a D6 to start their turn. On a 1-3, all of that player’s alliances degrade one step lower for the rest of the game, unless they are already Desperate Allies.

Grand Alliance: If 3 armies of 2,000 points each combine, then one General is supreme commander and has double Inspiring Presence.

Victory Conditions

Victory Points earned from units include basic costs and all their upgrades.

Decimated: Each unit that has <50% of their starting US is worth 50% of starting cost.

Broken: Each unit that has >50% of their starting US, and is Fleeing, but still on the table is worth 50% of starting costs.

Shattered: Each unit that has <50% of their starting US, but is also Fleeing is worth 75% of their starting cost.

Dead, or Fled: Each unit that is completely destroyed, or fled off the table is worth 100% of starting costs.

Surrendered: Same as Dead or Fled, but only 50% of cost of those models that surrendered.

Wounded: Each character or monster that has half or less of their starting wounds is worth 50% of its cost.

The King is Dead: Score an additional 100 points for killing the Army General.

Seized Standards: Score 25 more points for each unit standard or removed from Last Stand rule. Score 100 points for the BSB in the same manner.

Scenario Points: Some scenarios offer extra points for objectives.


D6 +4 terrain pieces. Roll off to see who places terrain first, alternating players.

May use scenario instructions to set up terrain, or see the Terrain section for other options.

May also use the Landscape Generator Supplement from Bonepile Miniatures.

Also, see Weather and Night Rules Supplement.


Roll-off to see who picks which side of the table to deploy on. Also start deploying units in an alternating fashion. All Warmachines in an army should be placed at the same time. Characters in an army should be placed last. All units should be placed 1″ apart.

See Special Rules for the placement of Vanguard, Scouts, and Ambushers.

Starting the Battle

Roll-off to see who should begin first. The player who finished deploying first adds +1 to their dice result.

Game Length

Most pitched battles are 6 rounds. But, players may agree on alternatives. Also, check scenarios for guidance.

The Turn

Each player completes the following sequence in a ‘Player Turn.’ A ‘Game Turn’ is when both have completed one full sequence.

  1. Movement
  2. Magic
  3. Shooting
  4. Combat

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